Why Social Media Video Advertising is the Future - Immotion Studios



Why Social Media Video Advertising is the Future

The age of digital marketing is here and the head honcho of this new advertising world is, you guessed it, video. Motion advertisements have been on the rise for decades. Television commercial ads ruled the ad space until the internet changed everything. It only makes sense that video ads would soon take over as the most effective marketing tool online. YouTube has become the second most used search engine just behind Google and more and more people use it every day.

Here are few reasons why video advertisements on social media are so effective:


Video is More Influential for your Consumers

The key to any marketing strategy is to build trust with your potential buyers. No other form of advertising can create a reaction in your audience quite like a well-crafted video can. After identifying your audience, you must create a relationship between them and your brand. The most productive way of doing that is to tell the story of your brand in a way that will provoke emotional cues in your audience. Like in all forms of advertising, content is key. There is a reason that YouTube has become such a powerful advertising tool.  It’s because consumers feel a connection to the content and people in the videos they’re engaging with. Video allows you to connect with your audience on a level that simply isn’t attainable with a still ad.

Facebook’s Algorithm Favors Video

If you’ve heard about Facebook’s algorithm as much as we have, you’ll know that it is constantly changing and challenging for advertisers to reach their audiences. What has become clear with the last few updates to the algorithm is that Facebook loves video. The algorithm is not easy to fully understand, but one important aspect to take away from the algorithm is the importance of video. Facebook updates their algorithm based on content that is most engaging and relevant to readers. Their research has found that readers spend most of their time on video, and for that reason, video ads will be more widely distributed. Simply put, an engaging video will get better results on Facebook than an impressive image.

Video Ads show a Higher Return on Investment

A 2015 study shows that four out of five consumers would rather watch a video on a product than read about it. We already know that catching buyers’ attention is essential to an effective ad, and it’s been proven that video ads do that better than images or text alone. Many companies are immediately turned off by the cost of creating a video ad for social media, but with more and more research showing their effectiveness, they are proving to be well worth the initial cost. The return on investment of video advertisements is seen as higher than those of its counterparts by 83 percent of businesses. Last year roughly 82 percent of businesses that utilized social media were planning to increase their spending on video advertisements. Businesses have said show me the money and the results of video ads have indeed done so.

Social media marketing has become an essential part of a successful business, and video will continue to grow as an integral part of that strategy. With video editing apps becoming more affordable and user-friendly, businesses can utilize this important form of advertising with ease and an even higher Return on Investment.

Contact Immotion Studios to find out how you can utilize video for your business.

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