Building, Strengthening and Keeping good relationships with your Client
Without a doubt, the most important factor in any business is the client. Without them, there wouldn’t be a business and to keep them means growing a successful business. Additionally, it’s not only developing a relationship but growing and keeping that relationship. Here are a few helpful tips on how to build relationships with your client.
Get to know your client.
Take steps to extend your relationship with your client beyond an account basis. Get to know them and their family. With social media it’s easy. Reach out on social and keep up with what is going on with them.
The foundation to any relationship is trust.
This applies to family, friends, co-workers and clients. Earn their trust and constantly strive to deliver every project above expectations. Be honest about deadlines, listen and offer solutions and ideas. Always ask for feedback, and be ready to address any concerns.
Pick up the phone.
A lot of feedback is received through email. Don’t immediately hit reply. Pick up the phone and talk with your client about the issue. A lot can get lost in email and talking it through will help keep an open line of communication.
It’s important to not get lost in the push of paper. Make time to reach out to your client! Ask how projects are coming, ask about their family and weekend plans. Take advantage of clients that are close, go to lunch or meet for coffee. All these steps will help you to build great working relationships with your clients.
Written by Shelly Raifsnider, Director of Accounts at Immotion Studios